Altores Solutions

Altores' Workers Platform Beta to go live

Checkout the first results from Altores' Workers platform

So, here's the deal: in our whirlwind business world, efficiency isn’t just a buzzword—it’s life. My partner and I created Altores with a motto:

"Craft once, automate forever"

And I’m here to tell you about something incredible that we've cooked up at Altores: our platform, Workers. Think of it as your new best friend, there to take on those mundane tasks that slow you down, so you can keep your mind and energy on the things that light you up—like crafting the next big strategy or nailing your growth goals. We're currently accepting applications for the beta... go here ! Now onto matter itself.

Across a few posts on our website, shared on our social platforms and everywhere else, we'll go over what workers truly is, and how you can take advantage of it. Tutorials, demos, discussions, presentations, all of it. If you have any questions you're welcome to contact us via the button on the top right of our website. Or open the chat and say you want to talk to a real human :) We'll get back to you.

The Power of Workers

Alright, listen up. Workers isn’t just another cog in the AI machine. It's more like a revolution in how businesses manage those everyday grinds. This is where AI steps up to the plate big time—transforming those time-sucking processes into swift, seamless operations. It’s like having an ultra-efficient assistant that never sleeps or asks for coffee breaks. Now, you can zero in on what truly matters: thinking big, innovating, and expanding your horizons.

Workers Estimated Time Savings

Estimated Time Savings with Workers

To get a handle on just how much Workers could change the game, we dove deep into testing and crunching numbers. And let me tell you, the results were nothing short of mind-blowing:

  • Brainstorm Ideas/Create LinkedIn Posts:
    • Manual Operation: 39 mins, 27 secs
    • With Workers: 1 min, 37 secs
    • Time Saved: 37 mins, 50 secs
    • Efficiency Magic: 96.49% reduced time
  • Reshare News with Insights:
    • Manual Operation: 9 mins, 17 secs
    • With Workers: 40 secs
    • Time Saved: 8 mins, 37 secs
    • Efficiency Magic: 96.56% sliced away
  • Create a Marketing Strategy:
    • Manual Operation: Nearly 2 hours
    • With Workers: 2 mins, 37 secs
    • Time Saved: Almost the whole two hours
    • Efficiency Magic: 97.77% in the bag
  • Gather Sales Data:
    • Manual Operation: 59 mins
    • With Workers: 23 secs
    • Time Saved: 58 mins, 34 secs
    • Efficiency Magic: 99.41% gone
  • Create a Business Plan:
    • Manual Operation: Over 8 hours
    • With Workers: 51 mins
    • Time Saved: 7 hours, 13 mins
    • Efficiency Magic: 89.38% reclaimed

Unlocking Unprecedented Efficiency

What’s the bottom line? The numbers don't lie. Workers is poised to become that ultimate game-changer, drastically cutting down the time spent on various tasks. We’re talking about freeing up hours, allowing businesses to redirect their manpower and brainpower towards more creative and strategic pursuits—the stuff that actually pushes the needle forward.

Alright... let’s dive deeper into how Workers by Altores isn’t just a flashy set of numbers. When businesses implement Workers, they're embarking on a transformative journey that reimagines how they tackle core operations. Let’s break down how this plays out across content creation, data analytics, strategic planning, and more.

Revolutionizing Content Creation

Brainstorming Ideas and Creating LinkedIn Posts

Content creation is the lifeline for brand visibility and engagement, and Workers takes this to a whole new level. Traditionally, brainstorming ideas for posts—those nuggets of wisdom that gain traction—can be pretty time-consuming, often cutting into time which could be spent executing strategic functions or engaging directly with audiences.

With Workers, however, this process becomes lightning fast. The platform leverages AI to whip up content suggestions and post ideas in just a fraction of the time it takes a human team. Imagine AI scanning through the latest trends, your business tone and style, and your past successful posts to craft tailored LinkedIn articles or updates—all within two minutes. The technology doesn't just save time; it elevates creativity by providing insights human teams may not easily discern, ensuring your content remains relevant and engaging.

Data Analytics Optimization

Gathering and Analyzing Sales Data

Sales data is the heart and soul of strategic decision-making. It’s vital for teams to have up-to-the-minute insights into trends, customer behaviors, and sales forecasts. Gathering and analyzing this information manually can take an enormous chunk of time, deterring quick decision-making.

Workers significantly shrinks this data-drudgery down to seconds. By automating the collection of sales data and running complex analytics, Workers enables teams to receive real-time insights that are crucial for tactical decisions. It uses AI algorithms to analyze trends, detect anomalies, and predict future sales patterns, allowing businesses to pivot strategy in an agile manner. With Workers, data doesn’t just tell you what happened; it hints at what’s going to happen, arming you with foresight.

Streamlined Strategic Planning

Creating Marketing Strategies and Business Plans

Strategic planning, both in the macro (business plans) and micro (marketing strategies) senses, is where companies set their vision and map the path to success. Traditionally, this level of planning demands hours and hours of research, data synthesis, and creative head-scratching.

Enter Workers. Imagine an AI system that can not only pull in relevant market data but also turn that into a cohesive, actionable strategy in mere minutes. This encompasses identifying market opportunities, analyzing competition, crafting messaging frameworks, and even forecasting budgeting needs. For marketing strategies, Workers helps formulate targeted campaigns, optimizing content delivery, and maximizing impact based on data-driven insights.

And it’s not just about shortening timeframes; Workers provides precision in planning. By removing the tedium of manual data gathering and allowing leaders to focus on big-picture planning, Workers ensures strategies are not just quick but razor-sharp. This approach systematically elevates the quality and accuracy of strategic processes, leading to more cohesive and impactful business outcomes.

Enhancing Business Intelligence

Across all these processes, Workers serves as a catalyst for enhanced business intelligence. It doesn't stop at automation; the platform is built to provide insights that might otherwise be missed by human oversight. Workers helps you ask smarter questions by offering predictive analytics, pattern recognition, and anomaly detection—these aren't just tools, they’re insights extracted from the very data that's become the backbone of modern enterprise strategy.

In this way, Workers takes businesses from reactionary to predictive, where the insight provided by AI merges seamlessly with human intuition, crafting a future-ready business model.


That is it for today, but that is not it for Workers. Again, we're looking for beta testers (both institutions AND smaller companies). Contact us at or apply on through the actual application process (20seconds)

In a world where every second is cash-money, Workers IS that ace in the hole for boosting business productivity. It's more than fancy AI tech; it’s that practical, life-hack kind of functionality promising to reshape how we define process efficiency. And let’s be real, in today’s hyper-competitive market, hopping on the AI train isn’t just a perk anymore—it's a must for ongoing success and dominance.

So, let’s welcome a future of work where innovation and efficiency walk hand in hand, thanks to Altores and.... WORKERS ! Shall we?

I'll catch you on the efficient side,


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Tom Haneuse
September 4, 2024
6 min
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